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Technical Description Self-Reflection

The purpose of this assignment was to learn how to write a technical description. Before I did that, I first had to know what a technical description actually is. What I found out was that it describes a process or an object by breaking it down in to components and sub components.

            What I learned was that I have to be aware of who my audience is and why they are interested in reading my work. I have to keep in mind their level of knowledge on the subject I will be writing about, something else was that picture and illustrations help the audience visualize what you are saying, so when you’re describing a process it is important to include a detailed picture. Another aspect that benefits the audience is making partitions in the writing, so when you’re explaining a complex process breaking it down in to small parts and explaining each help the audience learn on a deeper level. While doing all of this it is important to use simple words so that everyone understands, and if you’re going to use a complex word than you must define it in a separate sentence.

            Overall this assignment is very beneficial to future engineers because it helps them learn skills they will need in the future. Having these skills will be appealing to employers.